Kylie Vincent is someone to watch: this combination of misery memoir and wryly observational humour felt like a work that has much potential. I suspect we’ll be hearing more from Ms Vincent in years to come.
— Edinburgh Fringe, 5 stars

bird press

  • Hot Mess Comedy Hour Podcast

    Kylie Vincent talks her solo show, BIRD, and coming to terms with her assault.

    Listen Here

  • ReadCopy.Co Interview

    COPY’s Sarina Freda interviews Kylie Vincent about her upcoming solo show, Bird. “The most important things to share are the ones that scare you.”

    Read Here

  • BIRD'S Campaign

    Learn more about our show and how you can contribute.

    Contribute Here

  • broadway world

    A new age solo piece that aims towards sharing and uplifting a story of sexual trauma through the elements of comedy & theatre.

    Press Release Here

  • wabi radio interview

    WBAI Radio interviews artists from The Gotham Storytelling festival. Kylie Vincent, creator of BIRD joins.

    Listen Here

  • We're All psychos podcast

    “Waddup family! Today Kylie Vincent joins the show to talk about *Her bad therapists, Boric acid ,Her one woman show “Bird”, Where oats come from, and much more!”

    Listen Here

  • Be A Man Podcast

    Jack talks to comedian, actor, and writer, Kylie Vincent, about her experiences on stage sharing jokes and deeply personal stories. She describes interactions with audience members, evolution of her writing, and making art with deeper purpose.

    Listen Here

  • Bird at Sewanee University

    BIRD performed two evenings at Sewanee University in Tennessee + talkbacks with the college students. Vincent and director, McAdams are interviewed in the local paper.

    Read Here


    Touring the Country, Trauma Bonding, Trust Issues with Women, Platonic Adult Sleepovers, Jealousy in Female Friendships, Hooking Up in the Bathroom, Edinburgh Fringe, Being a Survivor of Child Sexual Abuse, and Challenging the Form of Stand Up . Brooke and Cam sit down with Kylie Vincent midway through her cross country tour of her solo show BIRD.

    Listen Here

  • Edinburgh Fringe Review

    4 Star Review at UK debut

    Read Here


Edinburgh Fringe 4 Star Review “Kylie Vincent is someone to watch: this combination of misery memoir and wryly observational humour felt like a work in progress that has much potential and I suspect we’ll be hearing more from Ms Vincent in years to come.”

"Bird is an incredible one woman show that tackles the intense topics of sexual abuse, childhood abuse, and the ways in which the world and patriarchy harm women of all kinds. It is emotional, it is dark, and it is funny! Go see Bird!"

"Bird is a show that will stay with you. Bird navigates her trauma and still somehow emerges from it to find love, understanding, and even comedy."

“Bird is a heartfelt, thought-provoking piece that can make anyone feel less alone in their trauma. It’s honest, hilarious, and tear-jerking. Don’t miss it.”

“This play is not a birds eye view (no pun intended), but rather a story unfinished, and that’s ok. From the perspective of a young woman still wrapped up in it, we get a raw story cut with sharp comedy about her family trauma, and how it has shaped who she is today. Vincent is a badass.”

“This is a show about meeting yourself and coming to term with all the pieces that put you together. It is deeply and darkly funny, and follows a spiral shape, whirling the audience around the mind of someone processing a full and difficult life.”

“Bird is wild and freeing and funny and sad. A reminder that the funniest things in life are so because they are true!! And because they are so scary, while your heart rate is up you might as well laugh and enjoy it! Kylie Vincent is a powerful performer who burns brightly throughout the show.”

“This one woman show was captivating. It rang like a bell. It was not self indulgent or sensationalized. Bird did not make light of this tragic story and was never awkward or cringy. The creators delicately hit the nail on the head, with respect for the subject matter and the audience. Comedy is clearly a defense mechanism of the main character. Bird took us along on that voyage. You could not have done a better job. This is an example for everyone, on how to do this sort of thing. Thank you for this.”

“It felt incredible to sit in the audience and see someone so clearly pour their pain, their philosophy, their truth out on stage. Bird was both accessible and eye-opening, a significant piece in the making. I hope to watch it develop more and I encourage others to see it!!”

"The show was very emotional and vulnerable. it winds and navigates a very complex space while also keeping the audience engaged in the details and humor."

"Deeply impactful; memorable."

“Emotional, vulnerable, and hopeful!”

“I love dark humor and I feel like It was so personal but also done It such an artistic way I really enjoyed how real It made me feel. 10/10".”
